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I am so excited that I cannot wait to tell you about our next fundraiser. As 2019 ends, we are working quickly to get a calendar ready for 2020. We wanted something that will showcase the amazing beauty of Haiti as well as immerse you into the realities of life there. Haiti has had some very difficult times over the last 6 months, but it is so good to remember beauty that surrounds Haiti every day. We have so many pictures from our trips to Haiti and were able to find some that you will enjoy and want to keep before you this next year.

I am extending to you this special opportunity to pre-order this calendar. As soon as it comes back from the printers, they will be delivered to you. We are asking for a donation of $15 for each calendar. This includes mailing. I am confident that those interested in Haiti and the work of Vine Ministry will enjoy these.

You may order these by sending a check for a donation of $15 for each calendar to:

Vine Ministry, PO Box 967, Goshen, IN 46527

Order online securely at:

There is an amazing amount of work that goes on behind the scenes. We don't talk about it very often, but you need to know. The work of our home office makes it possible for your donations to reach Haiti at the right place and the right time. Along with this process we communicate with donors and stay in contact with our partners in Haiti. We are always looking for ways to help make a difference no matter what challenges the people of Haiti are facing. That is why we put great energy into sending kids to school and establishing a clinic. Health, education the church community help build strong individuals prepared to face the challenges of the future. Of course, everything is communicated through our newsletter to you and to those who would become participants in this ministry. The work behind the scenes is quite involved so we are genuinely grateful to you for faithfully supporting us.

Pastor Daniel Telfort sent me a recent email. I will share a portion with you here:

I hope you and your family are doing well under the loving care of our heavenly Shepherd. It has been indeed a good while since we’ve talked. I hope you and your family are doing well. Thank you very much for continuing to pray for us in Haiti. By God’s grace we are doing a little bit better. My wife and I had the privilege to be at the Vine church the past three Sundays, glorifying the Lord with the other saints. It was such a blessing to open the Christmas season with joy, even when our country Haiti is in the midst of many problems. Vine Church has never spent a Sunday without having our weekly worship service even when I could not cross the dangerous Martissant area to come. Praise the Lord! I know of several churches who had to cancel Sunday worship services during the troublesome time in Haiti.

Thank you very much for your prayers. We have seen the Lord's hand at work. The seminary, STEP, has resumed classes. The morning students meet on campus and the PM group meets at a church pastured by one of the teachers. It is not safe for the students and teachers to leave campus after dark. They are happy to be back at school. Three months of academic teaching was lost.

Please pray that the Lord would help us catch up our class work and wisdom on how to do this. Also, keep praying that God will keep improving the situation in Haiti.

God bless you. Know that we appreciate you and are praying for you as well.

Merry Christmas to you and to the whole family,

Pastor Daniel

Thank you for your ongoing support in 2019.

May the Lord bless you in His service in 2020 in greater ways than any of us could have imagined,


James Dick                           574-534-8325    

Evelyn Dick                         229-291-3480    


Evelyn’s book, Life on the Edge, “34 Years of Ministry in Haiti”, may be ordered by sending a donation of $15.00 plus $3.00 to Vine Ministry, PO Box 967, Goshen, IN.  46527

Order now:

Enjoy the beauty of Haiti with our 2020 calendar.

They are made with beautiful pictures of Haiti photographed by Amy Self, a very talented photographer.

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