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May 2023

Haiti...A Place of Hope

Traditionally in our May newsletter, we honor our founders, Rev. LeRoy and Evelyn Dick. In looking through documents I came across the “founding documents” for Vine Ministry.

This month, please read about the vision for rooftop gardens and the difference they would make in people’s lives.

Haitian Fast Facts

  • “Haiti” means “land of the mountains.”    
  • Current population = 11.8 million
  • Current inflation rate = 44.54%        
  • Spaghetti is a BREAKFAST favorite!!

A Little Haitian Creole

N a we! = See you later!    
Mwen renmen ou = I love you
Bon bagay = good stuff, all good            
Sak pase = What’s up

Haiti…a Place of Hope…because you are making education possible.

It’s that time again. I know many of us are finishing our gifts for student support for the 2022-2023 school year. Those funds were sent out last August to support student education for the past year.

Now it’s time to make commitments for the 2023-2024 school year. Funds will be delivered to Haiti in August of this year and your gifts beginning in September will make their education possible. 

Last year there were 168 sponsors and 230 children supported. This year our goal is 175 sponsors and 250 children supported in school. The Lord can do this through folks like you and me. 

Below is a form you can return to indicate how many students you would like to support and at what level. This year there are options for support levels based on your prayerful consideration. For example, if you wish to support 2 students at $30 each, place a 2 in the form on the $30 level. If you wish to support 1 student at $45, place a 1 in the form on the $45 level. THANK YOU!!

Thank you and God bless,

Rev Greg Golden, Executive Director     
412-965-5505  |
P.O. Box 1435 Indiana, PA 15701-5435

Evelyn Dick, Founder

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