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Listen! A virgin will be pregnant, she will give birth to a Son, and he will be known as “Emmanuel,” Which means in Hebrew, “God became one of us.” Matt 1:23 PT

Merry Christmas! God came to earth as a man and our hearts filled to overflowing with His perfect love.

This last year has been a busy year full of activity and growth. The Board of Directors of Vine Ministry met at our house on November 3rd to look over the last year and consider direction for the coming year. We are happy to have accepted Bonnie Golden as our newest Board Member. We look forward to her insight and wisdom in the coming years.

We are grateful for Evelyn’s health. Last Christmas she experienced severe pain while visiting her daughter Susan. She was rushed to the hospital and diagnosed with gall bladder problem and pancreatitis. She immediately had surgery which was very successful. Her recovery went well as she enjoyed her time with family.

It is with great joy and thanksgiving we were able to place 167 students in school this last August. This probably has the greatest impact on our brothers and sisters in Haiti. As a child learns to read, write and think critically, their life begins to change dramatically for the better. Education gives the opportunity for better jobs and better understanding of their world around them.

The biggest impact in our lives is to know and love Jesus. Vine Church has been training for evangelizing throughout this fall. In November, members of Vine Church went in the surrounding areas, telling others of God’s wonderful love. Please pray for these neighborhoods.

In only a few weeks we will be taking a new Ultrasound machine to Haiti. It will be in operation in the Clinique Medicale LeRoy Dick, the Clinic at Vine Church. As many as 6 staff will be trained to use it and diagnose patients. Thank you for your kind and generous support for this project as the quality of health care just increased to a new level through this piece of medical equipment.  We are at 84% with $3847 to go to complete the initial stage of this project. Our need today is to have the Ultrasound machine covered 100%. Please consider helping with this need.

Our many thanks for the help you have given to Pastor Daniel and his wife Ann in the care of their daughter Hadassah. Hadassah was born with many issues at birth. She is blind, deaf and cannot speak. She is six years old and still cannot walk or hold herself upright. Through our supporter’s help, Pastor Daniel and Ann have continuous care assistance for her. Praise the Lord!

 Thank you for supporting this ministry with prayer and finances bringing life giving change to our brothers and sisters in Haiti.


James Dick                           574-534-8325    


Evelyn Dick                         229-291-3480    

Evelyn’s book, Life on the Edge, “34 Years of Ministry in Haiti”, may be ordered by sending $15.00 plus $3.00 to Vine Ministry, PO Box 967, Goshen, IN.  46527

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