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Student Registration is Complete

The registration of students for school is now complete! Pastor Daniel, Pastor Joel, Marie, Gislene, the church secretary, and a photographer worked together to register around 229 children. We are happy to let you know that 18 of these students are going to be attending university. As the reports from the Haiti team come in and the pictures are sent to us, we will be sending letters to you if you have supported students. Most of the students were able to have their picture taken. So, until we receive this year’s pictures, here are two from last year.

The Board of Directors

Our Board of Directors is very busy right now. We are thinking, praying, and discussing how we should move forward in our various areas of mission.

Haiti is Hopeless...Yet, God

I hesitate to share the details of how bad life is in Haiti because it appears hopeless. And yet, God is still on His throne. Our Haitian friends face dangers every day that most of us are not familiar with. In June there was a huge massacre in Cite Soleil. Over 500 were killed and many left their homes to live on the street, hungry and homeless. The people of Vine Church are doing what they can to help as they are able.

The state of the country has been growing worse. Inflation has risen over 30%. Traveling is dangerous. It is very important to be aware of where violence is occurring and avoid those places. As Pastor Daniel says, God is the only guarantee of our protection. The government is not able to protect us. PLEASE PRAY FOR HAITI and the safety of everyone there.

Two Sets of Oxen

We now have enough funds for 2 sets of oxen. Each set consists of 2 oxen and a plow. Pastor Daniel is working on getting these set into place. He will take a trip to each community and will discuss with the pastor of the church in that location several things. i.e., Who will oversee the oxen and how they will be sheltered and fed. A pair of oxen will be chosen that are healthy and well taken care of. I wish I had photos, but they will come as this project progresses. We are still in need of two more sets. Each set is $3,000.

30th Annual Bible Conference and New Members

The 30th annual bible conference of Vine Church was a blessing to all who attended. 14 new believers were baptized. So far this year, Vine Church has grown by 84 members (including those in the satellite churches). Praise His Name!

Newly baptized members with Pastor Joel and Marie on the right
and Pastor Daniel and Anne on the left.

General Fund giving was 35% of budget.

Thank you so much for keeping Haiti in your prayers and financially supporting this work.


James and Jo Dick              574-534-8325    

Evelyn Dick                         229-291-3480    


Evelyn’s book, Life on the Edge, “34 Years of Ministry in Haiti”, order by sending a donation of $15.00 plus $3.00 to Vine Ministry, PO Box 967, Goshen, IN.  46527

Or order securely on our website,

Find the Kindle eBook version on Amazon.

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