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July 2023

General Haiti Update

This month I want to give you a general update on conditions in Haiti. Any one of these items is more than enough for your prayer time. I invite you to be in prayer. 

Because of insecurity and threats against churches, Vine Church attendance, usually around 600, has been about 200. Praise God that 200 still venture out.

Gangs recently controlled about 60% of the capital of Port-au-Prince, killing over 600 in April 2023. The police, outmanned and outgunned, have not been unable to do much, with 21 officers being killed this year alone.  

Pastor Daniel reports a popular uprising against the gangs. Some have taken it upon themselves to kill gang members in horrifying ways, with some 160 gang members killed in May 2023. Pray for peace. 

At the end of June, 165,000 persons were displaced in the capital. Some 79,000 staying with family or friends and another 48,000 crowd into makeshift shelters like parks, churches, schools, and abandoned buildings. 

Pastor Daniel reports that “many people have been forced to leave their homes because of the terrible insecurity situation. Some church members have received a good number of them. We have tried to provide food for them. There are people who were not forced to leave their homes, but they are in need as well, regarding food. So many are in need.”

Homicides have tripled, kidnapping has gone from 50 in 2018 to 1400 in 2022, with 277 this year so far.   

This year cholera reappeared infecting over 2,400 persons, and causing almost 600 deaths. 

Approximately 1.2-3 million Haitians with means have immigrated to other countries. There are an estimated 200,000 Haitian immigrants in the US.  

Almost 5 million people (out of 11 million residents) are food insecure.

“I’m surviving, I’m not living.” ~Anony.

Through your gifts Vine Church does provide limited supplies of food, medicine and clinic services. Thank you for your gifts.

Church Visits - I am very excited to begin visiting churches and sharing the story of the work being done in Haiti by Vine Church through the support of the great donors of Vine Ministry. The following church visits are confirmed: 

July 9 - 10:30 AM - James Creek Church of the Brethren - James Creek, PA

August 6 - 10 AM - Springfield Church of the Brethren - Coopersburg, PA 

August 20 - 9 & 10 AM - Blue River Covenant Brethren Church - Columbia City, IN

September 17 - 9:30 & 10:40 AM - Upper Claar Church - Claysburgh, PA

I am working with other churches for dates to share. I would love to meet you at one of the above churches or if you would like me to share a gospel sermon or mission presentation at your church, please contact me at 412-965-5505 or

Student Support So Far - So far we have received commitments from 47 donors to support students for the coming year. They have made commitments to support 72 students. Below is a link to the form you can fill out to indicate how many students you would like to support and at what level. No matter what you choose, you will bless a life and a family. Thank you so much for your gifts!

Thank you and God bless,

Rev Greg Golden, Executive Director     
412-965-5505  |
P.O. Box 1435 Indiana, PA 15701-5435

Evelyn Dick, Founder

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