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JULY 2021

Pastor Daniel and Anne Telfort

One question I am asked frequently is “what is the situation like in Haiti”? Most want to know if it is as difficult as they have heard. My answer is yes. In fact, the conditions in Haiti are becoming progressively worse. This makes us all sad. What do we do? First, we remember our position in Christ, at the right hand of the Father. There truly is no difficulty that cannot be overcome through the power of the Holy Spirit. Then we listen. Lastly, we pray for protection, intervention, and answers for our brothers and sisters in Haiti.

Pastor Daniel Telfort recently sent us a ministry report. The beginning of this summer has been hard for him and his wife Anne. They both tested positive for corona virus. Both are now doing well health wise. Praise God, no one else in their household became ill. He and Anne were able to recover at home. The hospitals are full and do not have room for any more covid patients.

Politically Haiti has become worse. The Telforts have needed to find another home as the neighborhood they were living in was experiencing violence from local gangs. Now, they are renting in another area. More and more, many people are being forced from their homes. Just in June 13,600 people have fled their homes due to gang violence.

You may remember the Seminary where pastor Daniel teaches (Evangelical Theology of Port-au-Prince) was overtaken by a gang last year. The students finished the school year in a church, who opened their doors to them. We praise God 79 students received their degree this May at graduation. The Seminary still needs a place to meet in the upcoming school year. Please pray for an adequate safe location.

The Port-au-Prince area is currently under the control of gangs. This Sunday begins the annual Bible Conference for Vine Church. To help with this, please pray for safety of the people attending church and wisdom for the government officials handle this situation.

We want to send school money to Haiti soon, so it will be ready for distribution to parents of our students. If you want to support a student, please follow this link: STUDENT SUPPORT ASAP even if after the deadline. Our deadline is August 1st. So far, only 129 of the 240 students are supported.

To sponsor a student, go HERE

The cost remains the same, $30/month or $360/year for each student.

Funds raised for the Clinic is $7,613 of the $15,000 needed for 2021.

General fund reached 62% of our monthly budget.

Thanks to all who have donated.

Blessings to you all,


James and Jo Dick              574-534-8325    

Evelyn Dick                         229-291-3480    


Evelyn’s book, Life on the Edge, “34 Years of Ministry in Haiti”, order by sending a donation of $15.00 plus $3.00 to Vine Ministry, PO Box 967, Goshen, IN.  46527

Or order securely on our website,

Find the Kindle eBook version on Amazon.

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