MARCH 2022
Easter Sunday is on the way. It will be here April 17th. During the week that leads up to this glorious day we remember the suffering and agony of Jesus. Then on Sunday we declare that He is risen! All is well. Redemption has come. Redemption has truly come. This Easter, let us declare that redemption has come to Haiti. We can see from Pastor Daniel’s letter that the lost are being saved and coming into the kingdom of God.
Vine Church baptism service took place on December 25, 2021. 24 People were baptized (See the pictures below). Praise the Lord! Thirty-one Christians in surrounding areas also want to be part of Vine Church and became members through affiliation. We rejoice with these as well. What a blessing! May the Lord continue to bless his Church and protect his children in a chaotic Haiti.
Please remember the Clinic. It is open three days a week. Each month we send $1120 to provide salaries and supplies and $100 for those in need of food.
Haiti continues to be a country in great need. I will share a letter Pastor Daniel recently sent to me just so you can be well informed on conditions there.
Dear ones,
As for us in Haiti, we are doing well enough. God’s grace has sustained us in the midst of many trials and heartache. Things have been terrible in Haiti. Haiti is getting worse in terms of economy. Kidnapping and killing are still high and the government is powerless. This past Sunday a well-known Pastor, Remy Lochard, was kidnapped and the gangsters asked for 2 million US dollars for his release. Many are afraid for his life, for by no means can his family and church find that amount. Yesterday, another Pastor, from Petionville was kidnapped from his home. Please, pray for God’s protection upon us Christians in Haiti.
We thank the Lord for STEP the Seminary where I am teaching. This year we are celebrating 80 years of God’s faithfulness in the life of that institution, one of the oldest in the Caribbean zone. We have been through many trials and in fact, our main campus has been occupied by gangs for more than two years. The seminary was able to buy a new property in Delmas. It is very small in comparison to our campus. But we are thankful to be able to have it, so we may can continue to train young people for ministry to the glory of God. We intend to keep it as an extension of the seminary when the Lord allows us to go back to our bigger campus. We thank the Lord for his grace.
This year, I am teaching four classes including Homiletics and Hebrew. Please, pray that the Lord would help us continue to meet with the students physically. It is NOT easy at all. For many of the students and teachers must cross very dangerous areas to come to school every day.
Thank God, I just finished a two-week Bible Translation workshop on Daniel and part of Jeremiah with a consultant from Bibles International. We are praying that the Lord would help us complete the Old Testament so the Haitian people might have an accurate, faithful Creole Bible to read God’s word.
Please, know that we love you deeply in Christ. Thank you for continually praying for us. May the Lord bless you, your family, and your ministry.
60% of General Fund was met.
We often hear from some of you through the mail. Thank you for your expressed gratitude for this ministry and the work we do. Your encouragement is well received.
This ministry is affective because of each one of you. May the Lord bless you and keep you in His love.
James and Jo Dick 574-534-8325
Evelyn Dick 229-291-3480
Evelyn’s book, Life on the Edge, “34 Years of Ministry in Haiti”, order by sending a donation of $15.00 plus $3.00 to Vine Ministry, PO Box 967, Goshen, IN. 46527
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