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There is nothing better in Vine Ministry than meeting together with our friends and the leadership staff of Vine Church in Port-au-Prince. Technology has made it very easy to see and speak with Pastor Joel St Amour, Pastor Daniel Telfort, and Dr. Mirhioll and supporters from all over the country. About a dozen gathered on a Zoom call January 17. We learned firsthand of the difficulties and victories in Haiti. Being a smaller group, everyone was able to contribute to the conversation if they wanted to.

The difficulty in Haiti is the danger of being kidnapped; no one is exempt. To be released, the capture most often pays money. The poor become financially ruined for the rest of their lives. Every day means trusting the Lord to be safe. Pastor Telfort joined us from his church office where the internet connection was best. To remain safe, he stayed the night at the church instead of traveling home after dark. Pastor Daniel shares more on his family’s situation in his letter later in this newsletter.

Jacques Coquillon family

It is with thankfulness Pastor Telfort reported the money sent to help earthquake victims was fully distributed. The Jacques Coquillon family, seen in the photo, was one of the recipients.

Even amid traumatic difficulties, God is actively moving. Not only has Fauche become a church plant, 5 other congregations are under the umbrella of Vine Church. These church families range in size from 55 to 300. This is a dream come true. Our founder, LeRoy Dick and Pastor St Amour dreamed of the day when Vine Church would become a network of churches throughout Haiti. Please pray for the safety and growth of these congregations.

Dr. Mirhioll thanked you for helping to make the clinic expansion on Delmas 19 possible. The remodel is underway. At the clinic in the church, patients are being seen regularly. Cost of supplies and medicine continues to rise.

This was such a good experience. We should do it again. Hopefully those who were not able to be with us will be able to join us next time.

Following is more of Pastor Daniel’s letter sent earlier. I am sure you will want to read this.

We have been through much difficulty in the past months: as you know, last year (in August) we had to leave our home because of insecurity. After spending 5 months at a friend’s, we had to rent a small home in a somewhat safer area. Rent is very expensive, and the cost of living has become so high both because of many economic and political crises in Haiti and because the area we have been living in for more than one year is more expensive itself. Almost one month ago, we have moved to another house. This is the third time we have moved out in one year. It has been over two months since, we have been fighting to find fuel to buy for cars. In the midst of all these, we have to give special attention to our special daughter Hadassa.

To mention just those few issues among many others can help you get an idea of why things have got slowed down regarding our Bible translation work. I am not discouraged. But it has become more and more difficult for one to raise a family in Haiti. We pray that the Lord would step in and do something. We are fighting to keep a good pace, doing all the Lord has entrusted us with. Daniel Junior, my son, is able to go to school. Please, pray for God’s protection upon him, as it is not safe even for kids going to school, especially in downtown Port-au-Prince.

Thank you so much for your prayers. Please, know that we appreciate what you are doing to help us keep doing what the Lord has called us to in Haiti. Thank you for your sacrificial giving toward our ministry in Haiti. We pray that God would continue to bless you and your family. The Lord knows the significance of what you are doing through prayers and giving to support God’s work in Haiti. Great will be your reward before the Lord. Know that we love you.

May God bless you more and more, Daniel Telfort

We love you and appreciate your partnership,

James and Jo Dick              574-534-8325    

Evelyn Dick                         229-291-3480    


Evelyn’s book, Life on the Edge, “34 Years of Ministry in Haiti”, order by sending a donation of $15.00 plus $3.00 to Vine Ministry, PO Box 967, Goshen, IN.  46527

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