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January 2023


A Season for Everything

In reflecting on Ecclesiastes 3, there certainly is a time for everything. As you know from the December newsletter, my son James retired from his position as CEO of Vine Ministry on December 31. I am grateful for the six years he spent serving with the mission. I don’t know what I would have done without him! He stepped right up and got the job done. His knowledge of computers and his tech-savvy were a huge plus!

What could have been a stressful time of finding someone to carry the torch, God had it all under control, as He always does. Greg Golden from Indiana, Pennsylvania will be filling the position of Executive Director. For those of you who do not know Greg, he is a recently retired pastor and someone who I have known for 30 years ever since LeRoy, and I first visited his church to share about Vine Ministry. He has brought many work teams to Haiti to assist in furthering the gospel. Greg has a heart for the Haitian people. He has also been the Vine Ministry Board Chairperson for the last 6 years. I consider it a true blessing that he will be carrying on the work of Vine Ministry in this new role. I hope you will welcome him with open arms as he reaches out to you and visits your churches. I know you will treat him as wonderfully as you have always treated LeRoy, Jim, and me.

As always, we request your prayers as we make this transition. Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out to Greg or me.

In the Bonds of Calvary Love,  Evelyn


The first part of Jeremiah 29:11 says, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD.” There is more to the verse, but that first part captures this moment for me. Little did I know back in the 90s, when I first met LeRoy and Evelyn, that 30 years later I would be called and led by God to be a leader of Vine Ministry. It is humbling and exciting to take on this new role for the Kingdom. It is humbling because of the great legacy of mission and ministry LeRoy and Evelyn provided through their many years of serving Christ in Haiti. It is a rich, Spirit-filled, Gospel-spreading, love-sharing legacy to our Lord Jesus. I’m grateful for the opportunities I’ve had to visit with and work with LeRoy and Evelyn, work, and minister on trips to Haiti and serve with the Board of Directors. It is a blessing for me. 

It is exciting because we continue some amazing work in Haiti in partnership with the Vine Evangelical Baptist Church, sponsor hundreds of children in school, and care for health needs. It is exciting because in the coming years we are expanding opportunities through school construction, a Pastors' conference, meeting healthcare needs, and working with Vine Church’s network of 6 affiliated churches. God is growing the Kingdom field of Vine Church. That’s exciting!!
Like Evelyn, I ask for your prayers, as we move forward – prayers for Evelyn, who remains involved in the ministry, prayers for me, and prayers for the Vine Church and the people of Haiti. 

As with any transition, there are always some changes and a huge learning curve. But please know that these changes will not impact the mission of Vine Ministry. We are here to serve our Lord Jesus by serving the people of Haiti. 

In the short time I have been processing your donations, I have felt the joy of your lasting, meaningful, and deep commitment to the work of this ministry. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!

In Christ, Greg


Haiti – a Place of Hope…..

…is our theme for the coming year. In the midst of violence, gang warfare, inflation, shortages, despair, and need, Haiti is the place God’s Hope shines the brightest, for it is in that kind of situation that God’s Hope is needed the most and revealed the clearest.   

Psalm 9:18 says, “But God will never forget the needy; the hope of the afflicted will never perish.” 

During extraordinary violence in Haiti in October, Medgina Fabiola Paul, Lucia Jean Pierre, and Odner Nicolas received Jesus as Lord and Savior!! Praise the Lord!! Haiti is a place of Hope because God is at work. These three new Christians are standing between Pastor Daniel on the left and Pastor Edrice on the right. Please be in prayer for these loved ones.

30th Anniversary Celebration Update

Thank you so much for your support of the 30th Anniversary Celebration of the founding of Vine Church. Founded under Pastor Joel, and faithfully led by Pastor Daniel, Vine Church continues to minister to the needs of Haitians and share the Gospel of Jesus’ love. Recently Vine Church has brought under its care six Affiliated Churches. It is a busy and exciting time for the Church. To date, you have blessed the churches with over $20,000 toward our $30,000 Celebration goal. In December Pastor Daniel delivered funds for the following:

  • 4 sets of Oxen and plow for rural communities - $12,000
  • 1 motorcycle for Pastor Victor - $2,500
  • Land purchase for a church/school in Hatty - $2,000

THANK YOU SO MUCH!!  (We will share pictures as soon as they are available.)

Please feel free to contact me to say “Hi,” ask a question or share a concern. Together we will serve Christ by serving Vine Church and the Haitian people.

Rev Greg Golden, Executive Director
412-965-5505  |
P.O. Box 1435 Indiana, PA 15701-5435 

Evelyn Dick      
229-291-3480  |

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