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MAY 2021

Walk for Haiti

There is still time to sign up for the World Wide Walk for Haiti. There are prizes for the most money raised, and the longest distance walked. On May 22, the walkers will meet over ZOOM with Pastor Daniel Telfort. He will talk with us about the church and the Clinic. This is something you will not want to miss! Our goal is $15,000. So far you have raised 36% of the need.

Sign up on the website at

Haiti Map

The Church Plant project of Vine Church is progressing. Ambroise Delva is the pastor from Vine Church who is helping this young congregation. He is seen in the photo along with his wife and three children. The church meets each Sunday with about 55 people. See photo above. Their principal source of sustenance is small gardens.

Patient and Dr.

Student Support

It was hot, in the upper 90s at 10 AM on Monday morning. The waiting area of Vine Church was packed with children and parents. As we drove our car into the area, everyone instantly moved to make room for us. This was the first day to register children for school. It may have been hot and crowded, but education is always a priority. Despite the difficulties and challenges these families face, going to school brings hope. Some of the best times in Haiti are seeing the kids and connecting with the parents.

It is time again to make our commitment to education. For each one supported, we send you a photo and some information about the student.

To sponsor a student, go to the website HERE

Or fill out the form below and print it; return it before August 1, 2021. The cost remains the same $30/month or $360/year for each child.

I will support __1 child __ children.


Name: ________________________________________________________


Address: ______________________________________________________


Email: ________________________________________________________


Church: _______________________________________________________

70% of our General Fund was met in April.

Thank you for your financial help and continued prayers,


James and Jo Dick              574-534-8325    

Evelyn Dick                         229-291-3480    


Evelyn’s book, Life on the Edge, “34 Years of Ministry in Haiti”, order by sending a donation of $15.00 plus $3.00 to Vine Ministry, PO Box 967, Goshen, IN.  46527

Or order securely on our website,

Find the Kindle eBook version on Amazon.

Sign up for our newsletter HERE.