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APRIL 2020

Greetings Friends,

My hope and prayer are that you, your family and church family are remaining safe and healthy. Being confined to our home during this COVID-19 crisis (it is a crisis) makes life quiet. Our family is well. We stay in contact via phone and/or internet encouraging each other to stay safe.

I am concerned that Haiti will not be able to withstand an outbreak of the corona virus because of the insufficient health care system. The hospitals in Haiti only have 125 intensive care beds and less than 100 mechanical respirators and a lack of oxygen cylinders. Yet, they have surprised me. There is a wide scale effort to inform people to keep their distance from each other and to regularly wash their hands, and not touch their face. All large meetings are closed including churches.

Pastor Daniel Telfort has addressed the congregation from his home office with a video recording. You can see it on their Facebook page. Thanks again for those who supplied the finances to install solar power for Pastor Daniel this past year. It enables him to have constant electric to continue work from home.

Haiti news reports as of March 31, there are now 15 cases of the disease in Haiti with 1 recovery so far. So far there have been 0 deaths. Thank you for your continued support of Haiti through your prayers and finances.

For information on COVID-19 around the world:

It is very clear that the development of a growing health care system is a great need. The Clinic in Haiti is positioned to save lives and increase healthy living every day.

Our problem at this point is to fully fund the Clinic for the rest of the year. A very generous foundation has covered the operating expenses with a grant of $5,000. Our expenses for the year are $15,000. Can you help us keep the clinic open?


We are sponsoring the first World Wide Walk for Haiti to fully fund the Clinic. With Spring breaking, this is a great time to get out and enjoy the outdoors. However, this is not a big social event; we are asking to you to walk on your own. After you sign up we will provide support material. Tell us what would be helpful for you. I promise it will have a huge impact on the health and lives of those in Haiti.

Here’s what to do:

  1. Sign up to be part of this walk. We will send you simple instructions and encouragement as the day approaches. Sign up on our website or send me a note.
  2. Set your date to walk, ours is June 13th.
  3. Call friends, neighbors and relatives and ask them to sponsor your walk.
  4. Walk
  5. Send the money you raised to Vine Ministry
  6. We will report to you the results so we can all rejoice together that the Clinic is fully funded for another year.

Start Here

Please pray, it is unknown if the conditions in Haiti will be safe at the end of August. We need God’s direction and insight as to creative ways to get the kids into school.

As you may have expected, we have cancelled travel to churches this spring. Thank you for your understanding.

February met 52% of our monthly budget.

James Dick                           574-534-8325    

Evelyn Dick                         229-291-3480    


Evelyn’s book, Life on the Edge, “34 Years of Ministry in Haiti”, may be ordered by sending a donation of $15.00 plus $3.00 to Vine Ministry, PO Box 967, Goshen, IN.  46527

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Enjoy the beauty of Haiti with our 2020 calendar.

They are made with beautiful pictures of Haiti photographed by Amy Self, a very talented photographer.

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