What IS working in Haiti?
If you are like me, you may be wondering what you can do to help turn the tide in the terror washing over Haiti. Pastor Daniel had a quick response when I posed this question to him. He said sending kids to school is making a difference in the lives of the children from Vine Church. If kids are not in school, they are wandering through the streets of Port-au-Prince hungry and vulnerable, perfect targets for gangs who will hire them to carry a gun and participate in gang directed violence. This is not an option for Vine Church children who have the opportunity to attend school. They are learning skills that will enable them to qualify sooner for one of the very few jobs available. Those without an education will not be hired.
Every time we help our friends in Haiti, they are encouraged and grateful. This is what is needed in the times Haiti is living in now.
In these troubling times, those in Vine Church who have the means to leave the country have done so. This leaves the church with less resources to carry on their work. Even so, Pastor St Amour says the congregation is doing very well spiritually. They have ordained two new pastors and a new elder. We thank the Lord for their steadfastness.
Please pray for Haiti. Wherever two or more believers are, there is God in our midst.
His light shines brighter and brighter.
November 29, the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, is Giving Tuesday. Following the consumer-driven holidays of Black Friday and Cyber Monday, Giving Tuesday encourages communities to do good and ushers in the charitable giving season. Please remember Vine Ministry in your donations on this special day.
Sharing this newsletter with your friends and family is a great way to spread the knowledge of the work Vine Ministry is doing in Haiti as well as a special gift for the 30 Year Celebration. We have met the goal of a set of Oxen and a plow for 4 of the farming communities in the satellite churches. Our dream continues as we plan additional ways to undergird these churches with leadership training, church buildings and schools.
Evelyn's Birthday Celebration!
A big thank you to all who helped celebrate Evelyn Dick’s 90th birthday in Wisconsin. It was a full week of celebrating with friends and family. If you have Facebook, there are many photos and videos to see and share in this special day on Evelyn’s account.
A very special thank you to those who donated to Vine Ministry in honor of Evelyn’s day.
40% of General fund was met.
We count it a privilege to have each one of you standing with us and are honored to call you friends.
James and Jo Dick 574-534-8325
Evelyn Dick 229-291-3480
Evelyn’s book, Life on the Edge, “34 Years of Ministry in Haiti”, order by sending a donation of $15.00 plus $3.00 to Vine Ministry, PO Box 967, Goshen, IN. 46527
Or order securely on our website,
Find the Kindle eBook version on Amazon.
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