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JUNE 2021

40 years ago, LeRoy and Evelyn Dick boarded the plane for Haiti. They had been there several times before but this time they were staying for 2 years. The decision to begin mission work in Haiti was difficult. They left friends and family to venture into a third world country. Soon, 2 years turned into 40 and Vine Ministry is still ministering in Haiti. In 2005, LeRoy passed on to his eternal home with the Lord. Evelyn has retired. In 2016 Jim took on the daily work of Vine Ministry. We documented the best stories from this adventure in Evelyn’s book, “Life on the Edge”. Hundreds have read it and been inspired. You may have the first chapter for free.

Get it on our website HERE:


LeRoy and Evelyn Dick

On a warm spring evening in May, Sherri from Albany GA, Josie and I from Goshen IN met with Pastor Daniel via ZOOM to discuss the World Wide Walk for Haiti. Over the following minutes, we talked about the church in Haiti, the church plant in Fauche, and the Clinic.

Pastor Daniel shared that life is hard there with kidnapping and violence threatening their safety any time they leave their home. COVID19 is more prevalent. At Vine church, they still require masks during services.

While we were talking, Pastor Telfort looked exhausted. A few days later he was diagnosed with COVID19. Please pray for Pastor Telfort. He will not be at the church until he is well and not contagious. The assistant pastor or one of the deacons will lead Sunday worship, giving him time to rest and heal.

Please pray for the ending of this pandemic. In Haiti, when someone is sick, they do not have additional rooms in their home to quarantine. If one is sick, it is likely the rest of the family will be sick as well. Going to the hospital for treatment is too expensive. Finances are limited so often there is no extra money for medical treatment. Therefore, we feel passionate about the mission of this clinic. It is not too late to sign up for the World Wide Walk for Haiti.

40% of the students are supported for next year. Now is the time to sponsor a student.

Sending a child to school creates an opportunity of success for the student, their family, and the country. Children with a better job ensure parents will be cared for when they cannot care for themselves. Some students from our program have become doctors, secretaries, and engineers.

Watch the interview with Pastor Telfort as he shares what it means for kids to attend school in Haiti.

To sponsor a student, go to the website HERE

General Fund was met 65%

Clinic is Funded 39%

Thank you for your partnership with Vine Ministry’s mission in Haiti. 


James and Jo Dick              574-534-8325    

Evelyn Dick                         229-291-3480    


Evelyn’s book, Life on the Edge, “34 Years of Ministry in Haiti”, order by sending a donation of $15.00 plus $3.00 to Vine Ministry, PO Box 967, Goshen, IN.  46527

Or order securely on our website,

Find the Kindle eBook version on Amazon.

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