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Happy New Year to you all as we look to a bright future in Haiti. 2019 is brimming with the possibility of greater impact in this cherished country. In 2018 Haiti has experienced more political turmoil than it has in many years. This could be an opportunity to worry and fear about the future or (and I would lean more toward this “OR”) it is an indication that Haiti is ready for greater break through to becoming the prosperous and elegant island that God has always intended it to be.

In the latest letter from Pastor Daniel Telfort he says: “Socio-politically we have to say 2018 was worse than 2017.  But neither must we forget all the spiritual blessings God has bestowed upon us. For I am convinced the blessings of the Lord has outnumbered our trials and hardships.”

Following is a summary from Pastor Daniel’s letter:
Pastor Telfort’s family is doing well. His wife Anne is busy caring for her family and has also started a part time job at a health institute close to where they live. She will also be attending a training in Community Health. Their son Davidson has been very sick the past three weeks with the flu and a cold. He is doing much better now. Pastor Daniel himself has been ill from food poisoning. After two nights of no sleep from stomach ache, he is recovered. Junior, their middle son, is enjoying school very much. 

Lionel and Werner (Pictured above) were kidnapped this last year. One of the doctors and a deacon were released from their abductors after 5 days and the church paying a large amount of money. We are very thankful these men are safe and returned to their families. 

This summer Sister Merzula Jean, Pastor Daniel’s wife Anne and others put on a 5-day evangelistic club for the children in the church neighborhood. 31 kids received Jesus during this time. 

The youth had two retreats, one in February and one in August. It is good for the youth to have a safe place for fun and fellowship and learn about God’s word.

Pastor Daniel tells of some of the many victories. 41 people have come to know the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. The Bible conference in July was truly a blessed one. During that week they baptized 27 new believers. These have become members of Vine Church. Another 66, in various parts of the country, love Vine Church and have expressed a desire to join them by association. The picture below is after the baptism along with some of the leaders of Vine Church.

This year Vine Church in Haiti has been blessed with the privilege of celebrating 21 weddings. 

Senior Pastor Joel St Amour and his wife Marie are continuing to live in Grand Rapids, MI as Marie recovers to full strength from her heart transplant which she received two years ago. The doctors have not allowed her to make a visit to Haiti yet. But we hope one day the Lord will allow her to. Whenever she can make that trip, the church is ready to have a great celebration thanking the Lord for his mercies in the life of Pastor Joel St Amour, Marie and their entire family.
The Lord has laid on the church’s heart to focus on four things in their ministry throughout 2019:
1.    Prayer
2.    Evangelization
3.    Brotherly Love
4.    Christian Charity
Our prayer is that the Lord would prosper Vine Church in these areas.
Thank you Pastor Telfort for sharing this wonderful report.

We give a huge thank you for the contribution to Vine Ministry from the Judy and Tucker Maxwell Fund of the Franklin County Foundation, a regional foundation of The Foundation for Enhancing Communities, on behalf of Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Maxwell, Jr.

In the November newsletter, there was an oversight in my proofreading. I wrote “A special thank you to those who chose to receive the newsletter via email saving over $120 each year.” This left the impression that each person saved the ministry $120. The actual savings is $12 each year per person. We are very grateful for those who can read the newsletter by email. 
Whether by email or postal mail, we are very happy to keep you informed of the work you support in Haiti.

James Dick  574-534-8325

Evelyn Dick  229-291-3480

Remember, the email version of the newsletter is published within the first few days of the month. If you want to be the first to read it, sign up on our website at:
Whichever way you choose to receive updates of this ministry, we are always happy to keep you informed of the work in Haiti.


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Evelyn’s book, Life on the Edge, “34 Years of Ministry in Haiti”. 
It may be ordered by sending a donation of $15.00 plus $3.00 to 
Vine Ministry, PO Box 967, Goshen, IN. 46527

Or order securely on our website