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Earthquake Aftermath

Everyone in Haiti remembers how they felt during the earthquake of 2010. This past week those emotions came flooding back as another 7.4 earthquake devastated the southern peninsula of Haiti. Buildings crumbled, roads were blocked with debris, and homes fell apart. This quake was merciless to the victims who were injured or killed as it shook the earth. I called Pastor Daniel to see how he and the congregation of Vine Church was. Thanks be to God, no one was hurt from this congregation as they only felt the tremors. However, many do have family and loved ones who were injured, killed, or lost their home. Right away they began to gather food and clothing to share.

This disaster was unexpected. Because of the economic, social and political crisis, and security issues, there are very few agencies and NGOs working in Haiti right now. The local church is depended on to help those in need.

We are quickly sending financial help for tents, food, medicine, toiletries, water, clothes, and wheelchairs. The first responding donations totaled $900. If you would like to help financially, you can give through our secure website or by sending a check marked “earthquake” to our address: 

Vine Ministry, PO Box 967, Goshen, IN 46527.

Pastor Telfort and the Deacons of the church will supervise the distribution of our gifts.

Thank you to those who have already given to help in this great time of need.

School registration has been completed by the time you receive this letter. We were able to send funds for 200 children. Less than last year, but we did our best to get as many children in school as possible. More details will follow as we pull together information from this week.

We were not personally able to travel to Haiti this year because of rising violence in the country. Steve Hersey very graciously filled in for us. He has done an amazing job. Steve knew LeRoy and Evelyn Dick from 1993 when he first came to Haiti as a young missionary. Steve was impressed with the church and those he worked with. Steve’s comment was “I just wanted you to know that I was deeply moved when I visited the church today. Your father’s ministry continues and thank you for allowing me to be a (very) small part of that. Your Dad made a significant impact on me as a young missionary”.

Dr. Mirhioll has been working on expanding the outreach of the Clinic. Not too far from the church is a building she has been developing as a Clinic to serve the Delmas 19 residential area. This is a perfect location for a group of doctors. She has completed the flooring, windows and doors.

Still to be done:

Ceiling = $4,000

Painting = $700

Inventory and medicine = $2,000

Staffing = $1,600/month

The project will provide space for 4 doctors, a pharmacy, and an observation area. To contribute you can give through our secure website or send a check marked “Clinic Expansion” to our address: Vine Ministry, PO Box 967, Goshen, IN 46527.

On behalf of Vine Ministry, I would like to personally thank everyone who has so graciously and expediently given to meet the urgent needs of our brothers and sisters in Haiti.

93% of General Fund was met.

James and Jo Dick              574-534-8325    

Evelyn Dick                         229-291-3480    


Evelyn’s book, Life on the Edge, “34 Years of Ministry in Haiti”, order by sending a donation of $15.00 plus $3.00 to Vine Ministry, PO Box 967, Goshen, IN.  46527

Or order securely on our website,

Find the Kindle eBook version on Amazon.

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