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As the holiday season approaches we are thankful for many things, namely you who have joined with us faithfully through the months and years. Whenever there has been a need such as education for children, a church that needs built, a wall that needs repaired you have always responded with immediate and generous support.

For example, you have responded overwhelmingly with support for the mothers, children and families of Vine Church and Port-au-Prince area. We have ordered the ALPINION E-CUBE i7, an extremely durable Ultra Sound machine for the Clinique Medicale LeRoy Dick at the Vine Church. Vine Ministry started with $7000. You have added $19,618. Thank you all for seeing the need and responding.

In January Connie Ambrecht and Sparrow Solutions Group will install this machine and train six staff. By the end of the 4th day of training they will have the ability to scan patients and use their expertise to quickly diagnose. In Haiti, 60 out of 1000 pregnancies end in death. Compared to the United States only 6 of 1000 end in death. This particular machine is perfectly suited for our situation due to limited space and the unique environment in which we are housed. This unit is portable, about the size of a carry on, can be moved from room to room or taken into the country when our Doctors travel to remote areas of Haiti. If service is required, we can easily take it back to the United States. Go to if you would like to see a video of Connie introducing this medical device. I hope everyone will consider the part they can play in the future of the medical clinic and the health of Vine Church and their community.

In October, Associate Pastor Daniel and the leaders of Vine Church trained the members of the church for outreach into their communities. They have planned for this outreach in the months earlier by dividing their communities into geographical areas. November is the time they will share in their communities telling their neighbors about Jesus and what He has done in their life.
We were graciously received at Upper Claar Church of the Brethren in Claypool, PA Sunday morning October 22. What a wonderful time of fellowship and connecting with friends; many have known LeRoy and Evelyn through the years. Eugene Harbaugh, Pastor Dave Maxwell, visiting Pastor Larry Grabill and the congregation made us feel exceptionally welcome.

Sunday evening we met with the Anne Ashley United Methodist Church in Munhall, PA including a group from Indiana, PA Trinity United Methodist. We enjoyed reconnecting and sharing stories, pictures and video from our trip to Haiti this last August. Most from this group have been going to Haiti helping with many projects over the last 20 years. This evening was encouraging and confirming the work of Vine Ministry in Haiti.

Thank you all for your continued prayer for the people of Haiti. God is at work in their midst. Please pray for spiritual support during this time of outreach for doors to be open and hearts ready to receive the greatest gift of Jesus for mankind, especially during the upcoming Christmas season. Pray for families, for health, for safety, for provision. Please pray that the next generation falls in love with Jesus and their eyes will see every good thing that Haiti is and is called to be. Father God is personally involved and has a plan to bless and prosper them.

Thank you for your continued generous support in prayer and finances.

James Dick                           574-534-8325

Evelyn Dick                         229-291-3480

Evelyn’s book, Life on the Edge, “34 Years of Ministry in Haiti”, may be ordered by sending $15.00 plus $3.00 to Vine Ministry, PO Box 967, Goshen, IN.  46527

Support Vine Ministry by shopping online at Indicate Vine Ministry Inc. as your charity.