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MAY 2019

I never realized how dirty a car can get until I drove in Haiti. At home I wash my car once a week and only if it needs it. In Haiti, even if I start out with a clean car, before I reach my destination, it is in dire need of a complete wash again. The streets are dusty, very dusty. Dust is always in the air. The simple act of driving in Port-au-Prince turns my car into an automatic dust and dirt collector.

Yet, there is nothing to fear. Young street kids are more than eager to wipe my car down with a rag and bring it back to a clean look. The cost? Probably a few US dollars. I don't even have to go through a "car wash". They will clean my car as I travel. Of course, travel in the city is at a slow pace, maybe 2 mile an hour on a busy day in Port.
Taking care of our car demonstrates responsibility and self-care. It also provides jobs for kids who need income. I only wish these kids were in school. There is so much more available to them if they could afford to attend a decent school. Vine Ministry has been helping students reach an education for 33 years. Last year we made an effort to bring change by sponsoring over 200 children to go to school.
Each year a child returns to Vine Church for registration. Learning comes easy to some. To others not so easy. In every case, we are partnering with them for a better future.
Don't let this opportunity go by without giving a small gift that will reap life-long benefits for a child in Haiti. $360 will send one child to school ($30/month). 
Sponsor a child here

LaVictoire Evangelical Baptist Church Partnership:
A long enduring partnership was created when the Trinity United Methodist Church in Indiana, PA along with their pastor, Greg Golden, who is Vine Ministry’s Board Chairman, assisted the LaVictoire Evangelical Baptist Church in the north east part of Haiti. Greg’s group helped to lay foundation blocks, raised the walls, supplied funds to build, and helped with the children while they were there. Make no mistake, this was not a single trip but at least three trips over the last 5 years. This church is very grateful for the relationships created. Recently they worshiped for the first time in the new unfinished building.

Thanks to everyone for your thoughts, prayers and financial support to Vine Ministry,

Evelyn’s book, Life on the Edge, “34 Years of Ministry in Haiti”, may be ordered by sending a donation of $15.00 plus $3.00 to Vine Ministry, PO Box 967, Goshen, IN.  46527

Get the first chapter of Life On the Edge free by signing up for the newsletter on our website.

It’s our way of saying thank you.

James Dick  574-534-8325

Evelyn Dick  229-291-3480

Support Vine Ministry by shopping online at Indicate Vine Ministry Inc. as your charity.

Evelyn’s book, Life on the Edge, “34 Years of Ministry in Haiti”. 
It may be ordered by sending a donation of $15.00 plus $3.00 to 
Vine Ministry, PO Box 967, Goshen, IN. 46527

Or order securely on our website