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November 2023


At the Nov 11th meeting of the Board of Directors, a Temporary Food Support Program was approved. Pastor Daniel suggested the program which will provide support for some of the most vulnerable in the church and community. Right now inflation sits at over 50% in Haiti and food costs have soared. The Board approved sending $24,000 over the next 12 months to assist families in need. Funds will be sent ($2,000/month) to the Haitian Field Director Pastor Daniel for distribution to those in need. This is not a feeding program. Small stipends will be provided so families can purchase supplemental food as needed. The Board hopes that these families of the church and community may move toward being more food secure amid a very difficult and dangerous situation on the ground in Haiti. The Board has committed $5,000 toward the goal.

If you would like to donate to the TEMPORARY FOOD SUPPORT PROGRAM, please either:

  • Send a check to Vine Ministry, Inc. PO Box 1435 Indiana, PA 15701, with the memo “Food Program.”
  • Give online. Using the DONATE button below, you can indicate an AMOUNT, and then on the SPECIAL PURPOSE drop-down, click "FOOD PROGRAM."


Gracis Leonel

Those of you who visited us in Haiti had the privilege of meeting the young man, Gracis Leonel,  who worked with us for some 20 years. I am sorry to say that he passed away on Oct. 7th at the age of 62. He was a faithful worker. During these years he became more like family than an employee. Every morning as the day was breaking we could hear him washing the car! This was every day except Sunday. He would go home on weekends to be with his family and go to church. While working with us he learned many things. LeRoy taught him when washing the car you start at the top and wash down. I taught him how to set a table and serve a meal. Gracis also taught us. One weekend he was privileged to see the “Jesus” film. When he returned on Monday he asked us to explain just what a shepherd is. LeRoy explained how a shepherd cares for his sheep! Gracis’ face brightened as he responded, “I understand! It’s like I take care of you!” And that is the best way to explain how he viewed his time with us!       Evelyn         

You, our donors, sponsor Gracis’ children in school.

Church Visits

On Oct 29th I had the privilege of sharing during worship at the Salamonie Church of the Brethren in Warren, IN. I am grateful to Pastor Mel and Adam for all they did. I also was able to share and answer questions during the Sunday School hour. They were very receptive to hearing and asked great questions. They provided a generous love offering for which we are grateful. Praise God!!

On Nov 12th I shared the message of Vine Church and Vine Ministry at Anne Ashley Community Church in Munhall, PA. I was pastor of this great congregation for 23 years. My thanks to Pastors Keith & Dave, and Margie for the opportunity to share. They regularly give to the General Fund and sponsor children in school. They provided a generous love offering for which we Praise the Lord! Vine Ministry Board members were in attendance.

Board of Directors

At the Nov 11th Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors of Vine Ministry, Inc., the following Board was elected:                      

  • 2024 - Greg Golden (Exec Dir), Bob Gigliotti, Janet Elliott
  • 2025 - Amy Self, Bob Carr (Chair), Shawn Velesig
  • 2026 - Bill Seals (Sec), Linda Seals, Camryn Ruby, Evelyn Dick (Founder)

I am grateful for this dedicated and hard-working Board!!

Thank you and God bless,

Rev Greg Golden, Executive Director     
412-965-5505  |
P.O. Box 1435 Indiana, PA 15701-5435

Evelyn Dick, Founder

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