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May 2024

Lovenson’s Progress Report 
by Janet Elliot

I had the privilege of going to Haiti with Evelyn Dick and three other members from our church (West Goshen Church, Goshen, Indiana) back in 2015. When Evelyn asked me if there was something I especially wanted to see in Haiti, I told her I would like to visit the home of a typical Haitian family so I could get a sense of how most Haitians live.

That led us to the home of Lovenson, son of LeRoy and Evelyn’s former employee. We wound down narrow steps of stone carved out of rock which rose up on both sides. We walked within inches of the neighbors doorways draped with fabric. I could hear (but not understand) the conversations taking place inside, and smell the evidence of meal preparation.

At the bottom of the steep decline, we reached Lovenson’s cement block home which consisted of two rooms - a sitting room in front and a bedroom in back. The house was approximately 8’x16’. The cooking was done outside over an open fire. I believe there were four family members living in this home at that time.

When I met Lovenson and learned that he was ten-years-old and hadn’t yet been able to attend school, I knew he was the student I wanted to sponsor. Every school day, Lovenson had to stay behind with the pre-school neighbor children because he had no means to pay for uniforms, books and tuition. So, I asked for the permission of his father (through Evelyn), and he consented to our partnership through the Vine Ministry Student Support Program.

I will never forget leaving Lovenson’s house and walking up the stone steps. As our group filed up one by one, Lovenson followed us, pounding on the stone walls and yelling something I couldn’t understand, repeating it over and over. Later when I asked Evelyn to interpret, she said Lovenson was yelling, “I get to go to school! I get to go to school!” That was an emotional moment for me, too!

As an educator, I know how important early education is in developing literacy, so I wondered if Lovenson’s late entry to school would affect his performance. Would he be able to catch up with the rest of his peers?

Eight years have passed since I first met Lovenson. I’ve prayed for him and wondered many times how he is doing in school. Recently I was blessed to communicate with Lovenson’s older brother (via Evelyn) and was pleased to receive an encouraging “report card.” According to Steeven, Lovenson is now eighteen-years-old and is doing very well in school. Students are evaluated every two months, and Lovenson’s favorite subject is math. He wants to become a civil engineer and would like to join the US Army after earning his degree.

Now that’s what I call “progress!” My heart is full, knowing that this young man (who recently lost his father) is on the path to a sustainable future. Keep up the good work, Lovenson!

(As a side note. The Vine Ministry is currently praying for and saving for land in Port-au-Prince so we can build a school next to the church that LeRoy and Evelyn founded. The fulfillment of this dream would allow more Haitian children access to academic instruction along with Christian education. We want the children to learn about the love of God, their Savior. Our dream is big and so is our God!)

Student Support
I am grateful for Janet’s amazing story of connection with Lovenson. What a great testimony of God’s faithfulness. The 2024-2025 School Year Student Support Form is now live online. Go to and click on the Student Support button. Online sign-up is a great way to register your support. Paper forms will be sent out by the end of May to those currently supporting a student. God Bless you as you pray about your involvement in a young Haitian life!! 

Coming May 22
Beginning May 22nd the recently filmed videos with Pastor Daniel will be released on Facebook and our website (, one per week on Wednesdays. You will hear the most uptodate information on conditions in Haiti and about the great needs. One video is 10 minutes, the rest are 4-6 minutes each. A thumb drive with all five videos will be made available to churches for use in worship, Sunday School, Mission meetings, etc. They will be mailed out by the end of May. If anyone wishes a thumb drive with all five videos, please contact me and I will be glad to send you one at no cost. Also please share any of our Facebook posts you wish with those who are connected to you. Let’s spread the word of the great need in Haiti and the great mission work being done in the name of our great Lord Jesus!! 

Church Visits
I am available to visit churches for worship, Sunday School, mission days, etc. Please contact me by any of the means below. I would love to come and share with you at no cost. We just ask that a free will love offering be taken (if that is your tradition). 

Blue Ball Community Church, Blue Ball, PA on Sunday, August 18, 2024

In Christ,

Thank you and God bless,

Rev Greg Golden, Executive Director     
412-965-5505  |
P.O. Box 1435 Indiana, PA 15701-5435

Evelyn Dick, Founder

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